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FoFs Investment Advisory

Using our proprietary fund research, level of experience, and size of assets under advisory as one of Japan’s largest, we are capable of picking funds for clients’ portfolio from one of the widest range of fund universes available. Our visionary and flexible propositions solve various clients’ asset management needs.

20years+ Experience and Variety of Solutions

For more than 20 years, we have accumulated a high level of experience among Japanese peers of multi-asset / multi-manager investment advisors, trough difficult market conditions including the global financial crisis. We have been advising for defined contribution (DC) plan funds since the regulation started, and providing various investment advisory services for both institutional and retail clients.

Japan’s prominent multi-asset/multi-manager investment advisor with one of the largest assets under advisory

Our global research coverage enables us to design portfolios with only carefully selected managers world-wide for specific clients’ objectives. As more clients support us, our assets under advisory have become the largest-of-its-class among those of Japanese peers.*The size of our business helps us to work with the best-of-breed money managers around the globe and enhances our contribution to clients’ asset management through better advisory services.

*Approx. $9bn. (Traditional Assets' FoFs) as of September 2023

Visionary Product Solutions for Clients’ Needs

In the asset management business, investors’ needs become more diverse and further sophisticated at an unprecedented pace. We, as a frontrunner in the multi-asset and multi-manager investment advisory business, develop optimal investment solutions for various investors’ needs and objectives including single to multi-asset and traditional to alternative investment strategies. We also support a wide range of asset management companies with their product design by sharing our proprietary solution ideas.